Rats and mice can be much more than nuisances. These furry, squeaky little visitors can be detrimental to your health as they can contaminate food and other items in your home.

rodent removal

You may be tempted to remove any rodents that find their way into your home on your own, but getting rid of rats and mice can be tricky or even dangerous if not handled properly. A professional rodent removal company is usually the best option for evicting these unwanted guests.

Rodent control professionals are specifically trained to deal with the difficulties and threats presented by rodents. They will work with you to develop an effective plan for helping control your rodent problem — one that also takes into account your household's particular needs. Here are five reasons why using a professional makes sense:

  1. Professionals have the knowledge and training on what measures should be taken, as well as knowing where to place devices, which is very important for effective rodent control.
  2. Rodent populations tend to be much larger than the isolated individuals you may see scurrying across your kitchen floor or hear in your walls or ceiling. Rodent control professionals have the knowledge and equipment needed to address rodent infestations.
  3. Finding and sealing all of the tiny cracks and crevices that can allow mice and rats entry into your home requires a thorough inspection by a trained professional in rodent behavior.
  4. Rodent control specialists are trained in the use of sanitary equipment — gloves, masks, respirators and other protective gear — that should be used when cleaning up rodent-infested areas.

Why is rodent removal important?

Aside from being destructive pests and prolific breeders, many rodents are carriers of harmful pathogens that can spread disease. Both direct and indirect contact with rodents, including their droppings and urine, can put humans, as well as animals, at risk.

Rodent damage in the home

While they do like to live in close proximity to humans because we provide them with sources of food, water and shelter, rats and mice are still wild animals. As such, they can engage in behaviors that can be annoying, damaging and challenging to prevent. For example, rodents frequently:

  1. Gnaw on and scratch household items, including furniture, books, clothing, carpets and more.
  2. Contaminate, with their urine and droppings, food items, linens, clothing and other areas of the home.
  3. Scavenge food and gnaw through food storage containers in cabinets and pantry areas.
  4. Eat from pet bowls and chew through pet food boxes and bags.
  5. Gnaw on electrical wiring, which can cause appliance failures or spark a fire.
  6. Chew through insulation in walls and attics.
  7. Make nests in walls, attics and airducts, creating unpleasant odors that can fill adjacent rooms.

Related > Three Steps to Implementing Rodent Control in Your Home

What Does Rodent Removal Cost?

How much does it cost to have rats removed? The cost of rodent extermination can vary based on several factors, including:

  1. Whether you want to simply remove existing rodents from your home or add prevention to keep them out
  2. The size of your home
  3. Your geographic location
  4. The specific type of rodent
  5. The scale of infestation

It's important to remember that rodents can cause damage to a home if left untreated. They can chew through wires, create holes and contaminate insulation and other items in your home. Investing in proper rodent removal and prevention could potentially save you money from damage costs down the road.

Effective and long-lasting rodent removal ultimately requires a combination of smart tactics and preventive approaches.

Terminix® offers various services for rodent control, including methods for both removal and prevention. Contact us to learn more about how we can help rid your home of rats and mice.