Mice and other rodents are some of the most common pests found in and around homes and they can quickly reproduce – potentially multiplying your pest problems. There are several types of mice that may be present on your property.

mice in the yard

You likely want to know how to keep mice out of your house. If you’ve spotted mice or evidence of mice outside on your property, it’s wise to figure out how to get rid of mice populations in the backyard before they potentially invade any indoor spaces. Mice are likely to enter homes more frequently during the fall and winter months when provisions become scarce in outdoor environments. Once a mouse establishes a territory indoors, it can cause quite a mess getting into your food and their urine or droppings can result in unsanitary conditions. So, before they make their way inside, learn how to get rid of and exclude mice from your yard.

How to Get Rid of Mice in Your Yard

Mice are small and have high reproductive potential. For example, a house mouse can have 5-10 litters of 3-12 offspring per year. There are methods you can employ that can make your outdoor space less enticing to mice and other rodents. To lessen the likelihood of mice inhabiting your yard, check out these top six tips:

  1. Clean up your yard. Wood piles, tall grass and piles of fallen leaves all make great hiding places for mice. Try to keep up on yard work by regularly cutting your grass and pulling any long weeds. Plus, remove any piles of wood and foliage that provide potential hiding spots. If you compost, try moving the materials as far away from your home as possible and keep in a sealed container.
  2. Remove exposed food. Bird food, pet food and trash are all potential food sources for rodents. Be sure to seal your trashcans with a lid that locks. Keep any uneaten pet food or bird seed in a sealed container inside your garage or home to prevent access to mice.
  3. Set baited traps. You can use baited snap traps around the areas that you see mice frequenting. Mice will typically run close to walls and are unlikely to travel more than 5 to 10 feet into an open space to retrieve bait. Be strategic when setting traps by placing them along the perimeter of your property and away from spaces where your pets and/or children can accidentally set them off.
  4. Cover burrow openings. Mice and other rodents may create burrows in the ground for nesting, resting or hiding. Cover any holes you find in your yard with rocks or dirt as these may be entry/exit holes for rodent burrows. If you notice an opening has been dug up again, you may still have a mouse problem.
  5. Inspect your home. Once your yard is clean, all potential food sources have been sealed, and you have set traps, the next step is to prevent mice from entering your home. Examine the exterior of your home for any holes or cracks where mice can enter, and seal any openings with wire mesh or caulk.
  6. Proper pest control. The best deterrent for pests of any kind is ongoing pest control. By keeping a close eye on what’s happening outside your home, as you may be able to prevent issues inside, as well.

Mice can squeeze into spaces as small as a dime, so catching and sealing all possible entry ways to your home may be difficult. If you need help excluding mice from your home, consider consulting Terminix® technicians for help. Our professionals can examine your home and find the best methods for exclusion and removal of unwanted pests. Contact Terminix® today to schedule a free inspection.