Are ticks dangerous? Only infected ticks can spread tick-borne diseases to your dogs, but you don’t want to risk it. Learn how we can reduce ticks in your yard.

ticks and dogs

Tick-Borne Diseases

The most common tick-borne diseases in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC), are: Lyme disease, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, anaplasmosis, Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness, Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever and tularemia. Other tick-borne diseases include Colorado tick fever and Powassan encephalitis. Depending on where you live and the common tick species that is present will determine your risk for disease.  Outdoor activities outside your state may have different potential disease risks. 

Can Ticks Kill Dogs?

Are ticks dangerous to dogs? Tick bites have been known to infect dogs with diseases like ehrlichiosis and Lyme disease. In fact, 75% of dogs living in regions with large numbers of Lyme disease cases are bitten by infected ticks. However, only a small percentage of exposed dogs will show any signs.

Can ticks actually kill dogs? Chronic canine ehrlichiosis can cause mortality, and failure to detect Lyme Disease early can also lead to death, according to Dr. Barbara Qurollo from North Carolina State University Vector-Borne Disease Diagnostic Laboratory

Keep to the Trail

If you plan to go for a hike or take your dog outdoors, make sure to keep clear of potentially tick-infested areas. Ticks like to live in wooded and grassy areas, often hiding among leaf piles and tall grass. When on hikes, stick to the center of the trail and don’t allow your dog to roam freely into thick vegetation.

Use Veterinary-Recommended Tick Repellents

There are a number of products available to help repel ticks from getting on your pet, including oral medications and topical treatments. According to the American Veterinarian Medical association you should contact your veterinarian before using products as some dogs ma be sensitive to the ingredients in the products.

Vaccinate Your Dog

There is a vaccine approved for use in dogs that may help protect against Lyme disease. The AVMA suggests consulting with your vet to find out if the vaccine would be appropriate for your dog and the area you live in.

Inspect Your Dog

Whenever your dog goes outside, you should inspect him or her for any ticks. The faster you can remove a tick, the less chance it has to transmit any diseases it may be carrying. If you do find a tick, the CDC recommends using a pair of pointed tweezers to remove it. Grab the tick close to its head and gently pull it off.

Treat Your Yard

Ticks may be closer than you think. If your yard is surrounded by a wooded area or if other animals are present, such as rodents, ticks could be living in your yard. Our professionals at Terminix® can inspect your yard to identify tick-friendly zones. Contact Terminix today to schedule an appointment.

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