Wolf spiders are found across the United States. These spiders, family Lycosidae, are primarily an outdoor type of pest. There are roughly 200 wolf spider species found in the U.S., and they fall into 13 genera. These spiders range in size from one-quarter of an inch to more than 3 inches in length. Because of this variety in species and size, the wolf spider habitat is broad.

Wolf spider burrows

Because wolf spiders are active hunters, their dwelling habits differ from other species of spiders. While they are still able to spin webs, many species of wolf spiders live in shallow burrows or tunnels that they dig into the dirt.

" A wolf spider's burrow is used for resting, and to overwinter. Some species of wolf spiders may also spin small webs close to the ground on which to rest while they await prey. It is also not uncommon to find wolf spiders hiding under large rocks. "

" Certain species of wolf spiders are territorial, and will defend their space, while others will wander an area hunting as they go. These spiders eat insects including flies, crickets, grasshoppers and cockroaches. Some species have even been known to eat American toads. "

Wolf spider habitat

Wolf spiders are rarely found indoors. If they are found inside, they likely wandered in by accident, or were seeking shelter. Common hiding places for wolf spiders indoors include behind doors, on windowsills, behind furniture and in house plant containers or closets.

Their hunting methods are more effective outdoors. Wolf spiders' habitats include woods, grasslands, near sources of running water and in shrubbery. Because of their hairy feet, some species are even able to "walk on water," as the hairs help them skim over the water's surface. This allows these spiders to both escape predators and to hunt for insects in the water.

Now that you know the answer to "where do wolf spiders live," you may want to know if they are dangerous The answer is no. Wolf spiders will shy away from human contact unless trapped. Their bite is not known to cause medical problems for people. They are, however, sometimes confused with the brown recluse spider, so if you are experiencing severe symptoms of a spider bite, call a doctor.

A wolf spider's habitat should not include your home. Are you seeing spiders in your home? Do you have questions about spider control methods? Call Terminix®.