While it isn’t one of the main signs that you have roaches, cockroach noise certainly can be a disturbing indicator of infestation. Here are some frequently asked questions about roach noise, including what you can do about it.


Yes, cockroaches can make noise. The most common noises you might hear won’t be their little legs scurrying around inside of your cabinets or walls. Instead, it will likely be a chirping or hissing sound that you hear. Luckily, most common species of cockroaches that infest homes don’t typically make noise (not that a roach infestation could ever be considered lucky).


Roaches make noises for different reasons. Sometimes, noises are made during courtship and mating. This is called ‟stridulation,” where a chirping sound is produced by the male rubbing its pronotum against its costal veins. In other instances, cockroach noises are produced during an interaction where the insect feels threatened. Typically, this occurs between two or more male roaches, but just about any animal or insect can cause the threat. If you have an infestation, these sounds can intensify as the roaches encounter each other inside of your walls and throughout your home. For homeowners who have experienced this, the chirping is both annoying and chilling.


The most famous cockroach that makes noise is the Madagascar hissing cockroach. This roach makes a distinct, loud hissing sound, produced by forcing air through a pair of modified breathing holes (called ‟spiracles”) on its abdomen. This loud hiss contains information about the size of the roach producing it. When two male Madagascar hissing cockroaches approach and hear each other, the larger male’s hiss lets the smaller male know who is in charge. This doesn’t mean an altercation won’t occur, but it does give each roach an idea of what they’re about to come up against. These hissing roach noises may also be produced if the insect feels threatened or is handled by a human.

Now that you know why some roaches do what they do – cockroaches make noise during a variety of social interactions – you should learn how to stop it. Call Terminix® and silence these pests for good.