With over 40,000 species, spiders are fascinating, yet often misunderstood. Love them or hate them, spiders are unique creatures with many qualities worth appreciating.


Part of the arachnid family, spiders play a vital role in nearly every ecosystem. With over 40,000 species, spiders are fascinating, yet often misunderstood. Love them or hate them, spiders are unique creatures with many qualities worth appreciating.

Here are a seven cool things about spiders that come to mind:

  1. Spiders catch many small insects that would otherwise be in your house.
  2. A close-up or magnified view of many species of spider reveal fascinating colors and designs. There are many photographers who use macro-photographic techniques to reveal the colorful world of spiders.
  3. Spider webs can be very beautiful, especially the large symmetrical webs of the garden spider (but only if you see them before you run into them).
  4. A healthy fear of brown recluse or black widow spiders can help keep away clutter around the house and, if played well, might even serve as an incentive for the kids to keep their clothes off the floor.
  5. Spiders have inspired engineering. From studying spider web silk, scientists have developed a fabric that has shown great promise as one similar to Kevlar, which may one day be used for bullet proof vests. Spider webs either are, or have been, rigorously studied at MIT, NC State, Tufts University and others.
  6. Spiders help control insects that may attack plants or gardens.
  7. People love to eat spiders in many countries and claim they are quite tasty. Example: fried tarantulas in Cambodia.

While spiders may be interesting, some species are poisonous and should be handled by a licensed professional. Terminix can help identify the species and recommend steps for removal. Learn more about our services.


Doug Webb Technical service manager Doug Webb is technical services manager, entomology and regulatory services, with Terminix International. He’s an expert on wood destroying insects and has been instrumental in developing companywide training programs in his 33 years with Terminix.


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