Whether you’re single and searching or in a relationship you’re looking to keep, pest control is an essential component to a happy household.



Most relationship deal-breakers are obvious – poor hygiene, lack of motivation, long distance, etc. – but some are surprising, much like encountering a mouse in the kitchen. Or, in some cases, exactly like encountering a mouse in the kitchen.

prevent pests in relationships


A recent survey from Terminix and Kelton Global revealed one-quarter of female homeowners would stop dating someone whose home had pests, such as mice, silverfish, cockroaches or spiders. To put that in perspective, fewer would consider conflicting political views (17 percent), terrible style (13 percent) or a lack of a college degree (7 percent) to be worthy of a breakup.

What’s even more shocking is that 3 percent reported that they have actually broken it off because of a single cockroach sighting.

Whether you’re single and searching or in a relationship you’re looking to keep, pest control is an essential component to a happy household. To minimize the chance of critters invading your space, take the following precautions:

1. Cover all openings

Seal all cracks around windows and doorframes and around light fixtures, vents and ceiling fans, as well as any openings around pipes under the sink and behind appliances, to eliminate opportunities for pests like spiders, ants or silverfish to enter.

2. Toss your trash

Regularly empty garbage cans, clean cabinet shelves and toss old decorations (such as flowers or wreaths), as moths and flies are attracted to these unsanitary conditions.

3. Store food securely

Keep all dried food goods, including pet foods and birdseed, in glass or plastic containers with a tight lid. Pests like cockroaches and mice will feed on just about anything that’s easily accessible.