Summer is a season of relaxation and fun, whether that’s executing a perfect cannonball in the pool or grilling out with friends. However, those sunny moments can quickly be interrupted by clouds of the least-welcome summer staples – mosquitoes.


To understand just how much mosquitoes get homeowners buzzing, Terminix surveyed* more than 1,500 Americans about what they think is more annoying than an itchy mosquito bite.

Key survey results include:

  • Mosquito bites are more annoying than many gear-grinding features of modern life, including backseat drivers (67%), alarm clocks (71%), those who interrupt (67%) and even people who respond to text messages with phone calls (62%).

  • The worst summer activities to encounter swarming, buzzing mosquitoes are backyard barbecues (31%), followed by outdoor weddings (18%) and camping trips (15%)

    • Male respondents were more concerned with keeping mosquitoes away from summer fishing and golf outings, while female respondents were likelier to worry about mosquitoes spoiling an outdoor wedding.

  • Ten percent of respondents said they’d give up ice cream to avoid mosquito bites, 8% would cancel their summer vacations forever, and 13% are ready to give up summer altogether for a bite-free existence.

The survey also dug into how respondents feel about the bites themselves:

  • About one in five respondents said the worst place to get a mosquito bite is where it is hardest to scratch — the middle of the back.

  • Female respondents were twice as likely to believe the worst place for a mosquito bite is between the toes.

  • While the most common home remedy for mosquito bites was rubbing alcohol, respondents have tried almost everything to alleviate the itch, including mouthwash, the inside of a banana peel, honey, dryer sheets, and “meat tenderizer paste.”

Beyond the annoyance factor, homeowners should know that these pests can be much more than a nuisance. They can transmit serious diseases including West Nile virus and encephalitis. That’s why homeowners rely on Terminix® Mosquito Control for quick and effective treatment options that begin working immediately. And because Terminix services are backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, customers can purchase with confidence.

Full survey results can be accessed here.

Click here to learn more about how your family can beat the bite this summer.

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