Raccoons are notorious for their sneaky personalities and garbage can robberies. But raccoons can cause more serious destruction if they make their way inside your home. Consider raccoon repellents to help avoid additional complications in your home. Here are the raccoon repellents that may help you keep these sneaky critters away.


Clean Up Your Property

The first step in raccoon repellent is easy –— clean up your property. This includes all outdoor items that may attract raccoons. Since raccoons emerge throughout the night, you’ll want to take action before dusk. Two main interests for raccoons are food sources and nesting sites. As omnivores, raccoons enjoy both plants and meat. They may search for fruits, insects, rodents and eggs. In suburban areas, these items can be hard to come by. Thus, raccoons will rely on human and pet food for survival. To reduce attraction, pick up any leftover food or pet food. Be sure to also pick up nuts or fruits that have fallen from trees in your yard. One of the most common attractions for raccoons is garbage cans. Due to their five-fingered hands, raccoons can open garbage can lids. As so, it’s important that you secure lids with a cord, wire or lock.

As nocturnal animals, raccoons also enjoy dark nesting sites. They prefer wooded areas in natural habitats like hollow trees or burrows. In suburban areas, they may settle for wood piles or overgrown shrubbery. Remove these items from your yard to deter raccoons from wandering onto your property.

Close Openings

Raccoons are climbers and may not be afraid to work their way up to your roof. Thus, you should close off any openings around your home. Common entryways include attics, chimneys or spaces below decks. When raccoons enter your home, you can have even more trouble on your hands. Some of the possible home damages that can result from raccoons in your house include destroyed insulation, urine-stained ceilings and parasite infestation. Products like hardware mesh and chimney caps can help to reduce the likelihood of raccoons getting inside your home.

Install Electric Fences

Electric fences are also believed to help reduce access to your property or crops. This is a popular method since it causes discomfort for the raccoon rather than injury. Be sure to properly install electrical wires and enclose your entire yard. If not, raccoons may find another entryway and miss the shock from the electrical current. Keep in mind that electric fences can be dangerous, especially for children. If you have young children, consider another raccoon deterrent method. Additionally, there may be restrictions for electric fences in your neighborhood. Check local laws before attempting to install an electric fence.

Let a Professional Trap Them

Trapping can seem like a straightforward method. Yet, it can also be a complicated process once you have captured the raccoon. Proper equipment and prior knowledge is necessary for an efficient solution. Without these, you may unknowingly trap a nursing mother, leaving the young to starve. If they’re nesting in your home, raccoon corpses can cause major property damage. There may be rules and regulations in your neighborhood. You may or may not be able to release trapped raccoons nearby. Also, you may need a permit to euthanize the animals or release them into the wild. As a best practice, call a raccoon control professional to handle the trap for you.

Raccoons have a high tolerance for humans and can adapt to raccoon repellent methods. As so, it can be difficult to keep raccoons away. To help make raccoon control easier, call Terminix®. Our trained technicians have robust knowledge of raccoon identification and can pinpoint entryways around your property to help keep raccoons out.