You can help protect your cute furry friend from fleas, ticks and other pests by following these tips from Terminix.

help protect your dog from pests

You consider your dog to be a member of your family. Some dogs even claim prime real estate on their owners' beds at night. Whether Fido is curled up next to you on the couch or simply sleeping at your feet, you don't want him to be uncomfortable. And you definitely don't want pests to make their way into your home on the back of your furry best friend. Here are some steps on how to prevent and treat, ticks and other pests.

Flea and Tick Prevention Tips

When your goal is to prevent ticks and fleas, you have a few options as far as products go. You can use shampoos weekly, topicals monthly or a new flea and tick collar every six months. Many pet owners combine methods when they live in a wooded area, where ticks are common, or frequent dog parks, where fleas can spread easily. Consult your veterinarian for recommendations and the American Veterinary Medical Association for all points you should consider when it comes to the safety of your pets.

Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks Indoors and Outdoors

If you're wondering how to get rid of fleas outdoors, the easiest solution is to let an expert handle the situation. If you call Terminix®, one of our friendly technicians will treat the inside and outside of your home. We'll help set up a plan that best fits your needs and protects your home from fleas and other pests. Our 100 percent money-back guarantee makes it a no-brainer solution.1

Get Rid of Fleas and Ticks on Your Dog

Remember to always consult your veterinarian, the AVMA or the SPCA in regards to any treatments and methods to fight fleas and ticks (or other external parasites) on your dog.

Notice your dog itching quite a bit or excessively grooming? The AVMA recommends running a flea comb through his fur to check for fleas. Dump the hair and debris onto a white paper, towel then dampen it slightly with water. If any small, dark specks stain the towel red, it's a sign that your pet has fleas. For ticks, check your pet after he plays in tall grass or near bushes. You may notice a tick bump a hardened area that forms in the area of a bite — if your pet has been bitten.

To treat fleas on your dog, consult your veterinarian. You'll also need to address the issue in and around your house. Thoroughly clean where your pet sleeps, and vacuum your entire house. You must get rid of fleas in all stages of life (adults, eggs, larvae and pupae).

For a tick, you'll want to work quickly. To remove a tick, wear rubber gloves and use tweezers. Pull the tick straight out with a steady motion. Make sure to remove the entire tick to avoid infection. Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you'll then want to thoroughly clean the area from which you removed the tick. The CDC recommends rubbing alcohol, iodine scrub or soap and water. Next, you'll need to safely dispose of the tick by "submersing it in alcohol, placing it in a sealed bag/container, wrapping it tightly in tape, or flushing it down the toilet."

As an extra precaution, vacuum rugs, throw out old pet bedding and launder anything else your pet regularly lays on to remove fleas and ticks from your environment.

Other Pests to Worry About

Fleas and ticks aren't the only pests that can affect your pets. If your dog is unlucky enough to be sprayed by a skunk, the stench can be a pain to deal with. You'll want to keep your pet outside following the attack, then try Humane Society's recipe of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and liquid dishwashing soap to de-skunk your dog.

Summertime can bring lots of fun, but it also brings an increase in pest-related incidents. Heed these precautions to help keep your pet pest-free during the warmer months.

1.If within 30 days after an inspection or treatment you aren't totally satisfied, we will refund the treatment or coverage charges, reimburse any prepaid services and cancel your plan. Subject to additional limitations and restrictions. See Terminix Pest Control Plan for details.