Getting rid of raccoons with ammonia is nothing more than a supposed removal method that lacks results. If you are searching for “how to repel raccoons with ammonia,” you may find little evidence that it actually works. Although ammonia has a strong odor, raccoons are generally not deterred by the smell.

getting rid of raccoons

How to Repel Raccoons with Ammonia

The idea for getting rid of raccoons with ammonia may be rooted in the fact that these pests will not use an area that has been contaminated with the urine of other male raccoons or potential predators. Since urine can smell similar to ammonia, it is thought by some to have a similar repellent effect for some raccoons. Furthermore, the smell of ammonia may indicate to the raccoon that the area and/or food source has been compromised. However, raccoons may avoid the smell or simply remove any ammonia-soaked rags you may have used. If you have placed ammonia inside your garage or shed, raccoons may inhabit areas farthest away from the smell. In general, this repellent method may only keep raccoons away for a short period, if at all, until they become accustomed to the smell and/or the smell fades.

The truth is, there are no registered repellents specifically targeted toward raccoons. In addition, visual or sound repellents are typically ineffective as raccoons can become accustomed to this once they determine there is no physical threat.

Habitat Modification

Your best bet for reducing visits from raccoons is to make your property less inviting. Follow these few steps to help keep raccoons out of your yard and home:

  1. Keep your trash can lids sealed tight. Raccoons are known to dig through garbage to look for food scraps. By denying them access to your trash with a secure lid, raccoons should scavenge elsewhere.
  2. Deny raccoons access to your home by closing off any potential entryways. Place a cap on your chimney and fix any broken windows where they can gain entry.
  3. Trim tree branches that may be touching your house as these could provide an access point for raccoons and other pests.
  4. Move any uneaten pet food. You may also want to remove or relocate bird feeders to areas that are harder for raccoons to access.

Damage Caused by Raccoons

Raccoons may be common in urban and suburban areas, but most people are not happy to see them on their property. Raccoons may be carriers of rabies, and the potential damage they can cause can be substantial. They can dig up your garden, tip over your trash cans and tear up your property as they search for food and/or shelter. As much as you may want to try to get rid of them yourself, though, raccoons should not be approached, as they are known to be aggressive and may bite if they feel threatened or cornered. To avoid any potential danger, consult a wildlife control professional at Terminix® for help removing them from your property.