It is a common myth that rice can kill birds if consumed. According to urban legend, uncooked rice can expand in a bird’s stomach, leading to tearing and even death. Many people have even stopped throwing rice at weddings out of fear of doing harm to flocks. However, there is no truth to this belief, and they’re able to eat grain just like other pests can.

Can birds eat rice

Birds eat rice with little to no effect, though most found in urban areas simply prefer not to. So, if you are contemplating how to get rid of pigeons with rice, you may need to rethink your strategy. Considering their distaste for it, the only things birds like pigeons, finches and chickadees are likely to peck away at are your efforts to get rid of them.

Methods to Get Rid of Nuisance Birds

Birds such as pigeons, starlings and sparrows can easily become a nuisance to your property. Their dropping can contaminate your yard, damage property and potentially spread disease. In addition, birds are common carriers of parasites such as mites, fleas and lice (ectoparasites). If they find their way inside your home, they may be letting more than just themselves in. The following methods may help reduce their visits and help prevent them from invading your space.

Sound Repellents

Some repellents won’t deter birds in the same way that others can. Pigeons eat rice, for example, but may be repelled by loud noises. Loud sounds are commonly used in attempts to frighten birds away, and there are several sound repellents available to homeowners. Among the most favored products are sonic units that mimic distress calls. They trick birds into thinking that other birds are in danger in that area and to stay away. Some products will have species-specific bird repellents, which can be more efficient than general repellents because each species has their own distress call. Other sound repellents may include predator calls or loud noises like clapping. While sounds can temporarily startle birds, they will quickly acclimate to repetitive noises. To increase effectiveness, sounds, frequency and volume should be rotated regularly.

Visual Repellents

Visual repellents include kites, balloons or products that look like predator birds. Some products may even feature life-like movements. Regardless, visuals may also be ineffective over time as the birds become used to their presence, and realize danger isn’t imminent. This can happen within a matter of days. For the best results, it may be necessary to continuously rotate and vary the items being used.

Tactile Products

Tactile products are typically sticky substances that are applied to the surface of any area where a bird may rest or roost. The material makes it uncomfortable for a bird to stand, and works to deter them from returning. Tactile products are used on rooftops, ledges, window sills, gutters and trees. While seemingly effective at first, most tactile products will lose their quality over time due to weather and other environmental factor, requiring constant re-application.

Removal and Exclusion

Nothing gets rid of pests like professional pest control can. Birds can eat rice, and this removal method is nothing more than a myth. Avoid wasting money and time with trial and error tactics, and turn to proven strategies. Contact Terminix® today to learn more.