While fleas prefer dogs and cats as hosts, they’ve been known to latch on to humans too. Discover how to check for fleas and the best treatment options.

human flea

Fleas on your pets are bad news, but fleas on humans are even worse. It's normal to hear that someone's dog has fleas, but it’s pretty embarrassing to tell someone that you or your kid are a walking flea hotel. Even if people keep quiet about it, flea bites on humans are all too common because people live in such close proximity with their pets. Here's what you need to know about human fleas in general, including how to get rid of fleas on humans:

Fleas should be attacked as quickly as possible, hitting both the source and premises. If a skin reaction to flea bites occurs, consult a physician.

Are there really human fleas?

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) does a good job explaining the human flea, including why cat fleas and other types pose more of a threat for biting:

The World Health Organization (WHO) clears up any confusion about fleas and their biting effects, saying:

The U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health (NLM/NIH) expands upon the topic of fleas on humans, saying:

How to get rid of fleas in carpet

For relieving flea bites on humans, they go on to recommend: "You can use an over-the-counter 1% hydrocortisone to relieve itching. Antihistamines you take by mouth may also help with itching."

Two kinds of flea treatments

If you've discovered flea bites or have found fleas in your hair, consider the following advice, directly from the World Health Organization:

Of course, there's a much simpler way to deal with any kind of flea problem. Terminix® knows how to get rid of fleas on humans and pets. Call today and send your fleas flying for the hills without having to worry about your family's safety.