Get in the Halloween spirit by learning how to make bug slime with the kids. We have the steps you need to take.

halloween diy blug slime

Halloween is just around the corner and the kids are getting amped up about their costumes and how much candy they’ll get. Meanwhile, you need a festive way to keep them entertained and in the Halloween spirit until October 31st. What better way to do just that than to get a little gross and make some bug slime?

Bug slime is super easy to make at home. As a bonus, the recipes are so simple that the kiddos can actually play a part in creating the slime.

Ready to learn how to make bug slime? Then let’s get this creepy Halloween fun started!


As this recipe uses liquid starch and glue, it’s best for older kids who aren’t prone to sticking everything in their mouths. Younger children may be tempted to taste the bug slime and the laundry starch could make them very ill. Naturally, we don’t want that to happen.

You’ll need the following ingredients and materials to make liquid starch bug slime:

  • Liquid starch (you can find this in the laundry aisle of the grocery store)
  • A bottle of school glue
  • Plain old tap water
  • Food coloring
  • Plastic bugs
  • Two large mixing bowls
  • A spoon or spatula
  • A measuring cup

Now that you have all your supplies ready, it’s time to learn how to make bug slime.

  1. In the first bowl, mix ½ cup of glue and ½ cup of water. Stir it together so that the glue really gets mixed in there. If you’re adding color to your bug slime, go ahead and do that now. You’ll also want to toss in your plastic bugs.

  2. Next, pour ½ cup of liquid starch into the second bowl.

  3. Now it’s time to combine the two bowls. Mix the gluey water into the starch a little bit at a time. Make sure you get all of the glue out of the bowl.

  4. Once you’ve completely combined the two bowls, you’ll need to mix everything with your hands until you feel the bug slime come together.

Let your bug slime sit for about 10 minutes and then it’ll be ready to go. This slime will stay good for about a week if you store it in a loosely covered container. Just make sure it’s out of reach of any young children and pets.

There you have it! Your very own homemade bug slime. But don’t let the insect-themed fun stop there. We’ve also got some great recipes for bug-inspired snacks that the kids can munch on while getting ready for trick-or-treating or watching their favorite Halloween television specials.



Little Bins for Little Hands