Think you have a rat in your house? These rodents can invade your home regardless of whether you live in the city, country or even the suburbs. The initial instinct for many people trying to get rid of a rat is likely to turn to rat traps, such as glue boards and snap traps.

rat trapping

Trapping a rat is often the best course of action, but only if done correctly. It takes knowledge and training to know where to use rat traps and how to effectively use them. Below are some, though not all, problems that can come with rat traps when used incorrectly.

1. Rat Traps Can Cause Unexpected Injury

Have you ever actually seen a traditional snap trap for rats? The snap trap is large with a sensitive trigger and the force of the bar is strong.  The force is strong enough that the bar will probably bruise and may break a human finger. It is also possible for them to hurt domesticated animals who are tempted by peanut butter or other food bait. This is one reason why proper placement is so important.

2. Rat Trapping Doesn’t Keep Other Rats Out

Sure, you might set a trap and catch a rat. But what about the other possible rats living in your walls or attic? Or what about the crack or hole that the rat used to get into your home? Rat traps are best used in conjunction with an exclusion plan. That way, you're removing the rats and then helping keep others from getting into your home in the future. And exclusion should be done after the population is trapped. Otherwise, you may trap the rats inside.

3. Rat Trap Placement Takes Knowledge of Rats

Homeowners may place traps in areas where they see the rat or think the rat is moving.  This might not be the most advantageous strategy as rats are smart and may not interact with the trap without a conditioning period. Trained professionals know where to look for signs of rat activity and where they are likely to find the trap. There’s a strategy involved to rat trapping and there may even need to be multiple traps set.

How a Rodent Control Professional Can Help

A rat infestation can be tough to deal with on your own, which is why it’s a good idea to contact a company that is trained in rodent control, like Terminix®. A trained technician will have experience on what control methods would be the most effective in your home, as well as where they should be placed in the house. A trained technician will also be able to inspect the interior and exterior of your home to figure out how rats are getting in and recommend a customized solution to help keep them from doing so.

In addition, certain states have guidelines about what sorts of traps and baits can be used. An experienced professional should have a better understanding of these details than many homeowners do, which can save you a lot of time and headache.

If you suspect you have a rat in your home, don’t chance it by trying to trap it on your own. Contact Terminix for a free inspection. Our trained technicians can evaluate your rodent problem and customize a removal and exclusion plan for your home.