In your large warehouse, there may be some things that are not showing up on inventory. Frequently opened doors, windows, loading docks, shipping areas, break rooms, restrooms and tall ceilings can all provide access to pests. Once inside, they can hide, feed and breed in the many corners, cracks, crevices and drains spread out across your spacious building. You and your staff may be too busy to notice signs of pest invasions before infestations are out of control. Or, your warehouse may simply be too expansive to effectively police for pest activity.


Warehouse pest control can be frustrating because such large spaces can attract a wide range of pests. Here are some of the different types that could invade your warehouse.

Small Pests

Small pests, such as cockroaches, can skitter around your warehouse virtually unnoticed in such a big area. Cockroaches can come inside via shipments and deliveries and then hide inside dark crevices. These pests can thrive on materials that are commonly found in warehouses, such as cardboard and wood, establishing large populations very quickly. Cockroaches can be mechanical vectors for bacteria, such as E. coli and salmonella, and they can leave behind droppings that can cause odor and ugly spots on walls, floors and equipment.

Big Pests

Big spaces mean room for big pests, such as nuisance wildlife. Raccoons, squirrels, bats and other nuisance wildlife can seek warmth and shelter inside your warehouse. Once inside, they can frighten people and leave behind unsanitary droppings. Some nuisance wildlife can carry pathogens that may cause disease. They can also cause damage to structures, property, equipment and products. In certain industries, the presence of nuisance wildlife may violate compliance and regulatory standards, too.

Flying Pests

High ceilings, rafters and open beams give some pests ample room to fly around. Birds, for example, often perch, roost and nest in warehouses. Their noise and swooping can be nuisances, unsanitary bird droppings can contaminate products and equipment, as well as create slip-and-fall hazards. Birds and their droppings can also cause health code violations that may lead to fines, legal actions or even closures. When birds peck and roost, they can cause damage to property, structures and wiring

Flies can also be bothersome in warehouses. Small fly larvae can live in warehouse floor drains, trash containers and recycling bins. Some types can bite, and their incessant buzzing can be irritating. Flies can carry pathogens that may cause disease and can spread foodborne illnesses. These pests often have multiple breeding sites, making them difficult to control.

Gnawing Pests

Rodents can carry pathogens that may cause disease and leave behind urine and droppings that can contaminate products and equipment, and may compromise the health and safety of workers. Rats and mice can gnaw and cause potentially expensive damage to structures, electrical systems, equipment, packaging and products. Rodents can establish large infestations swiftly, creating an unpleasant work environment for everyone.

Biting and Stinging Pests

Mosquitoes can sneak into your warehouse through open doors, windows and cracks, with a group of mosquitoes laying up to 3,000 eggs in a given area within a couple of weeks. Known for biting and leaving behind itchy welts, mosquitoes can also carry pathogens that may cause disease, such as West Nile Virus.

Stinging pests can also pose problems for warehouse workers. Hornets, wasps, bees, scorpions, and some species of ants can inflict painful stings and may trigger allergic reactions in some people. In particular, wasps can be especially frightening because they can sting repeatedly. Nests can be difficult to remove because of their location or the swarms around them.

RELATED:  5 Reasons to Consider an IPM Program for Your Warehouse

Hungry Pests

Stored product pests, such as moths, weevils and beetles, can be issues for some warehouses. These pests hitchhike into warehouses on shipments and live inside food products. Stored product pests build large, widespread populations, often with more than one source, making them difficult to control.  They can leave behind eggs and larvae, potentially contaminating products and causing waste. Termites can also attack warehouses, which can damage wood structures, packaging materials and cardboard.

The Type of Pest Control Your Warehouse Needs

Mounting an effective defense against so many different pest types while running an efficient warehouse is virtually impossible without the right commercial pest control provider. In addition to knowing proper pest treatment strategies, it’s necessary to understand the special needs of large warehouse spaces as well as audit and regulatory requirements.

Terminix® Commercial has the knowledge and experience to solve pest problems in large warehouse spaces. With trained professionals who are experienced in industrial pest control, Terminix Commercial can find, identify and treat the wide variety of pest types that threaten warehouse properties, helping your warehouse maintain its productivity and reputation.

Don’t put pest problems on a shelf. Take action today to protect your warehouse, your workers and your products.


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